Wednesday, July 1, 2009


The fight must continue! It may be summer break for you or me (well not for me really) but for women around the world and especially in the Congo, the continuation to raise awareness and funding to help end violence against women is paramount. As each day passes, more girls are raped, and more women are tortured in senseless war tactics. All women must do what they can even just by remaining informed to help end this violence. In this weeks news, vagina lovers at OSU are saddened by the reality that the U.N is not upholding its mission to protect those most vulnerable to human rights violations. Below is an excerpt from Eve's Washington post article. Please visit VDAY ARTICLE


[ Resolution 1820 must be enforced with seriousness by the Security Council and the secretary general. Arrests need to be made immediately of known rapists and war criminals at the highest levels. The United Nations must stop supporting military actions, because they are doomed in Congo. And the root economic causes of the war need to be addressed with the leaders of countries in Africa's Great Lakes region who commit violence to reap benefits from Congo's minerals, as well as their Western corporate partners. They, too, are liable for these atrocities.

President Obama and U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice should send a very clear message to the world. It is within U.S. power, as a member of the Security Council, to push for measures to end impunity and to carve out an enduring peace through careful diplomacy for the people of Congo.]

Eve Ensler, a playwright and activist, is the founder of V-Day, a global movement to end violence against women and girls.

This Article was originally published in:

Washington Post

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